Friday, November 6, 2009

The most-overlooked art


Albertina ....The forms are quiet and alert, the width economical, and the axis is that of the humanist hand. The crisp italic, with its subtly elliptical dots, slopes at a modest 5 degrees. There is a full range of weights.

Alcuin A strong and graceful Carolingian face....As a genuine Carolingian, Alcuin is rooted in handwritten scripts that predate by 600 years the separation of roman and italic.

Bodoni ...Giambattista Bodoni of Parma, one of the most prolific of type designers, is also the nearest typographic counterpart to Byron and Liszt. That is to say, he is typography's arch-romantic.

Caslon ...There is not much doubt that Caslon was the first great English typecutter, and in the English-speaking world his type has long possessed the semilegendary, unexciting status of the pipe and slippers, good used car and favorite chair.

--From The Elements of Typographic Style, by Robert Bringhurst
Library of Barrel, a Manhattan company